Apr 11, 2012

New 'Bel Ami' Scenes + 'Bel Ami' Stills in UHQ

Madeline: Thank you for being here, no one came.
Georges: How is he?
Madeleine: I took him to Cannes to make him better. But I know that he will not make it. These are my favorite, thanks. (referring to the flowers).
Charles: you came to see me die.
George: No, I escaped from the city.
Charles: Because I will live.
Madeleine: Yes, yes.
Charles: I will live ... I live ... help me.

Clotilde: I am very happy for you.
Georges: How is Laurine?
Clotilde: She can’t forgive you, unfortunately. Monsieur Forestier calls you, you know? She's small, can’t understand.
Georges: And you?
Clotilde: You did a good marriage. Is what we all do. I miss you very much. To our love nest just miss you.
Georges: But how will you still have?
Clotilde: I’m an incurable optimist
talk politics
Georges: thanks.


Old stills now in UHQ

imagebam.com imagebam.com

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