Sep 17, 2013

Robert Pattinson in Glamour Italy and Marie Claire Italy - New Interviews (Audio + Transcript) + Old Pictures in Better Quality

Marie Claire Italy

Old Picture in Better Quality


Partial Translation thanks to @rainbowclimber_
"You look familiar". That's the icing on the cake of my four-day trip to LA. A hotel suit in Beverly Hills, dinners in the same restaurants celebrities hang out at, and all those things that unleash jealous remarks by your femal friends. But why would you care about it when Robert Pattinson tells you "have I seen you before?"? We, in fact, met many years ago when Twilight premiered at the Rome Film Festival. Although the books were being sold like candies, nobody expected such a success. Maybe he still didn't know he was uber famous, and with the light of the reflectors in his face, together with a nervous Kristen Stewart that couldn't stop shaking her leg, was facing hoardes of photographers and hormonal teenagers. He tells me he just can't forget those first times.

At that time he would dress casual, now he's the face of the Dior Homme fragrance. Does he pay more attention to what he wears? He smiles, revealing his teeth up to the wisdom ones, and points at the baseball cap he's wearing backwards, the dark shirt with short sleeves, the grey tee underneath and the black jeans. "I don't think so" he laughs. "I don't spend much time thinking about what to wear. I buy clothes randomly, depending on my mood. I could wear the same thing for days, even one those button-fly romper suits for babies would be okay. Though the night before at the Dior party at Soho House, he seemed at ease (and too handsome) in a dark suit. Does he at least wear any perfume? "I have been wearing it for a few days!", he laughs and is given the eye by the press agent. "Jokes aside, I tried wearing a perfume at that age when you start looking at girls and drench yourself in such poor-quality brands that they'd say 'what's this smell?'. I'm learning now".

I had spoken with Romain Gavras few hours later. He'd told me that during the scene of the car on the beach, Rob ended up in the water. I tell him and he blushes, but is pleased in a crazy way. He also said you're cultured and smart, I add. And that you sext each other, like "what are you wearing?". He bursts out laughing. "He started it and I was like 'what? Who the hell is this?' Then I identified him and started replying. Romain is young and ambitious, but doesn't take himself too seriously. He has a sense of humor and is a bit of an anarchist. I like him."
I notice he's no longer pale. He is starting to get the Californian skin tone. What else do I want to ask him? Oh yes, how did he spend his first check?

The rest of interview, his quotes thanks to @britishchiara

How did he spend his first check? "On a guitar. Then a house in LA. Better here than in London, my hometown, where houses are too expensive"

They asked him who makes the bed for him in the morning: "Believe it or not, I don't have a housekeeper. I leave [the bed] unmade."

He ~sexts with Romain, pmsl. "He started it and I wondered 'what? Who the hell is this?' then I identified him and started replying"

What do people overestimate and underestimate about acting "They mistake it for a game. But it's a very demanding job. On the other hand, I don't understand those actors who say 'I don't think so' when asked if their kids will follow their foothsteps. It's one of the most beautiful jobs in the world."

(It wouldn't fit in my earlier tweet, but Romain told the journalist about the ~sexting. First text was: "what are you wearing?")

About his old-time friends: "They're amazing, very protective. And when I'm with them, fans are less intrusive."

He also said that a true friend would never stab your back, and if he does, then he's not a true friend.

How was he in school since now he seems to be very calm/laid back: "I've never been very social, nor enthusiastic about being a leader. I kept to myself and associated the idea of being rebellious with being constantly drunk."

"No, this is terrible!" He immediately rectifies, laughing. "Actually, speaking of rebels, if I think of the riots around the world, I feel very lucky. I was born in a country where there's no need to make a revolution, but who hasn't been just as lucky has a right to revolt."

"I'm becoming old. I'll admit to having been worried about the post-Twilight. Everything has been going well for so long, I wonder if it's a prediction to something terrible. I turned 27, the age stars die." That's not true! "It is! Jim Morrison, Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin... And I need to wait till May to turn 28"

Media have already depicted Douglas Booth as his successor. Does he think of him as an enemy or an heir? "I don't even know who I am, maybe he can tell me. This thing of giving you a duplicate as soon as you're a little older is senseless." But wasn't he, too, depicted as someone else's heir at the beginning? "Yes, Jesus. The new messiah." And he laughs.

"Now I'm on set with MttS, [a movie by] David Cronenberg, whom I adore. Scanners and Videodrome are among my favourite movies. I'm working with Julienne Moore, who is extraordinary, and the script is fantastic. It's a new experience because I have a smaller part than usual, I've almost always been the lead. But this is good, I still prefer small productions to major one, they rob you of your freedom."

Now that you live in LA, do you think Hollywood is successful in representing society? He becomes serious. "No, I don't think so. But in this historical moment representing contemporaneity is hard. Even with music. It's a period of transition. The 70s and 80s were defined. The 90s had grunge. But what can you reduce 2000 to, the internet? Mobile phones? My generation will be remembered holding an iPhone, focused on chatting and sending texts without saying anything? I'm not even on social networks. I tried, under a fake name, but I deleted my account because my friends couldn't find me. I felt stupid."

Since he doesn't post them on FB, I ask him to tell me about a memorable moment. "When my son was born", he laughs. "Just kidding, I have no kids! But, I'll never forget when I was at the Olympic Stadium in Munich to promote New Moon. There were 30 thousand screaming fans and Taylor Lautner, flabbergasted, was saying 'what the hell is happening here?' " he yawns. "Oh, sorry! See? You're making me relax." he blushes.

I'd like to invite him to sit on my lap while I sing him a lullaby, but it's better not. I ask him what he'd like to do before he turns 30 instead. "Publish an album, I'm writing lots of pieces. And direct a movie. I have an idea, and I'm working on it. I should make it."

Time's up. We get up from the couch and I give him a hand. He holds it with both of his. "So, see you for a third interview" he says. Outside the door there's a young and cute colleague, talking on the phone with her boyfriend. She reassures him that no, the handsome vampire isn't trying to seduce her, he wouldn't be interested in a normal girl, she says. I wouldn't take it for granted.

 Glamour Italy

New Picture

Transcript - in English - Full scans at the bottom of the post (interview in Italian)
"Do you mind if I chew a piece of gum during the interview?". First info: Robert Pattinson is a polite Hollywood star. Twilight, the vampire saga that made him famous, yielded him a popularity second only to the post-Titanic "DiCaprio-mania". However, Robert remained a 27 year old down-to-earth guy who asks for permission.

And who quickly changes his mind: "Actually, I'm going to spit it: this is disgusting!". He waits for a hint of approval, then rips the corner of a newspaper, wraps in the "gross piece of gum", and smiles, while hiding the "misdeed" with his hands. Second info: Rob, as his friends call him, with his flipped back baseball cap and his three days' stubble , is also funny.

"Do you want to try an Italian one?", I ask him. "Really? Thank you!". He delicately takes the package. While opening it, with his half British half American accent, he reads: "Denti bianchi, sorriso protetto (i.e.: white teeth, protected smile)". He hasn't got a single word, but looks enthusiastic. He tries one, then reclines his head, so all that one can see is his thick eyebrows, and, right below, two blue slits. He whispers: "Yours are much better".

Third info: Pattinson could win anyone over with just one look.

Or even one smile: it happens in the adv for the Dior Homme cologne, of which he recently became spokesperson, taking over Jude Law's role. The commercial begins and, for the first 20 seconds, Robert is serious, thoughtful, intense. Then Camille Rowe, his partner on set, pretends to kiss him, while in fact attempts to bite his lips. That comes unexpected: he smiles, and the public melts. Every woman, no matter her age, secretly wishes to be in the shoes of the only creature who is able to light up the handsome, gloomy guy.

Robert did have such a muse in real life: it was Kristen Stewart, his Twilight co-star. The girl who cheated on him with a filmmaker, then tried everything possible to get back with him, succeeded for a while, but failed in the end. They broke up last May. And, since then, he's looking ahead.

What did the Dior campaign mean for you?
A turning point: for the first time, staring at myself in the screen, I realized I looked like an adult. It was so relieving: I've always been afraid to resemble a 15 year old. In Cosmopolis, for instance, I was wearing a black suit. Pretty manly. Still, I felt like a little boy dressed up as a grown-up.

Well, dressed up or not, you're often indicated as the most glamorous celeb.
What? I'm so boring: I wear the same clothes every day. This Dior jacket, for example: they gave it to me months ago, and I haven't took it off yet. If I could, I'd wear it to go to sleep.

Maybe you should send it to the dry cleaners... What about women instead: what should a girl wear to get your attention?
Hum I'm trying hard not to come up with dirty comments (he laughs). Let's put it this way: whatever she chooses, she needs to own it, and to show she's comfortable in her skin and clothes.

Are you comfortable in your own skin?
I'm not exactly a self-confident person. But right now I feel good: I left Twilight behind, and, with that, my adolescence. I'm now ready to move into the next phase.

What will it be in the new phase?
I see little but thoroughly: no many roles interest me.

Which kind of part looks appealing to you?
Well, all my characters have a dark side. Whereas I'm not dark at all. In general: when I read a script, if I think I'm not good enough to interpret the role, I accept it. I like the challenge.

The next one?
I'm working on Maps to the Stars by David Cronenberg, a movie about how crazy and neurotics actors are, and on THold on to Me by James Marsh, wherein I'll be a drug dealer. It'll be hard - I've never done it before.

Never dealt drugs, you mean?
Not recently (he laughs). I was trying to say that, in real life, I've never been particularly scary. I'll have to learn how to become shady and dangerous.

You imitate others for work but, when you wake up in the morning, do you know who you are?
Please: I often don't even know where I am! Seriously, though, I've never known it for sure, not even before I started acting.

Maybe you began to find it out.
Could be. Playing different roles opens up your mind, about others, but especially about yourself.

You speak about acting as it were a sort of psychoanalysis.
Indeed, it's extremely therapeutic. The ability to break down barriers, to overcome insecurities on set is something very powerful, and empowering; especially for an introverted like me. But I think the same holds true for all actors. I haven't met a single one who is self-confident. We're a bunch of psychopaths.

Have you ever seen a therapist for real?
No, but I'd like to become one. For now I analyze my friends. I like to investigate their subconscious. Or maybe, I simply enjoy minding their business.

Do you have many friends?
In London, where I was born and raised, I have four best friends for life. I'm a lucky guy: four is more than what people normally have. Here in L.A., however, it's harder to gather a little group: people come and go. Plus, we're all actors. I swear, it's crazy: every person you meet is a fucking actor who, by default, is competing with you.

Is there any one whom you hold in high esteem?
My absolute favorite is Jack Nicholson. I used to be obsessed with him: when I was younger I tried to imitate the way he dressed, the way he talked... I also like Joaquin Phoenix and Michael Shannon a lot. And then there's Channing Tatum, who is often undervalued, even though I think he's as good as Marlon Brando.

What about you: have you ever felt undervalued?
Yeah, critics don't appreciate extremely commercial roles. I understand that. But for a while I was fucking scared I would have remained a vampire forever.

That didn't happen.
True: fortunately, I started getting more articulated roles, like my characters in Cosmopolis and in The Rover. And even this occasion that Dior gave me was a privilege: I learnt another way of acting.

What would you have done if you hadn't become an actor?
I would have gone to college to study International Relations, and then I probably would have tried a political career. Even now, I don't completely rule this out.

Which party would you consider getting affiliated with?
I'm a free bird, I'd rather be a dictator (he laughs). I told you I'm weird...

And which laws would you establish in your kingdom?
No one can live here, but me.

Were you born solitary?
I became so. Los Angeles is inherently solitary. Look at the streets: you won't see a community, but a bunch of individuals, each one locked up in his own car. At the beginning I felt a bit lonely, then I got used to it. I actually like it now.

Did you get used to fame as well?
I had to. Until a while ago, I stubbornly tried to live the same life as before. It went poorly: I couldn't go anywhere without being assaulted by a giant amount of fans, so I went nowhere. I was living in a bubble. Then something clicked, and I said to myself: "You have to accept that everything is different now". And I felt relieved, almost immediately. Acceptation is the prerequisite for happiness, or anyway that's what I like to think.

Are you happy?
I accepted, many things. And now I almost feel weird admitting it - because if you say it, then the moment may vanish quickly. But yes, I am happy now.

Full Scans

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