Jan 30, 2013

Dakota Fanning Covers 'Glamour' - March 2013


On the Marc Jacobs perfume ban in the UK:

"If you want to read something into a perfume bottle, then I guess you can. But it’s also like, why are you making it about that, you creep? I love Marc and trust him, and we just laughed about it."
On her little sister Elle:

"She’s very uninhibited and will try pretty much anything. Even the way she dresses— she dresses totally for herself. She risks being made fun of…by me, which I sometimes do, because I’m an older sister! But I totally admire her and think she’s very cool."
On a future fashion career:

"I don’t think so. I mean, I won’t rule it out, because then one day I’ll be like, 'I said that in Glamour in 2013, and here I am now [with my own line].' But when you know designers and see the work that they put into making their collection, and how much passion they have for that—I think that’s so amazing. And I don’t have the passion to design clothes. It’s nice to be able to grow up and know what you want to do…. I’m reminded of that every time I make a film."

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