Nov 24, 2011

Rob and Kristen at Marcus Foster's Gig. Fan Pics and Tweets/Fan Accounts


Clips of Marcus Foster tonight at Dingwall's 1 2
pic source

@lovelydeity "Rob's holding her. And she screamed fuck yeah when I was broken started. And they're singing it to each other."

BarnesGirl1: White v neck appaz. Marcus sounds great from outside . . Not seen w/ own eyes, but seen a fan pic. Yes at the gig but outside. Not w/ my own eyes but a fan pic. And yes, both (v-necks). Yes at the gig but outside. Not w/ my own eyes but a fan pic. And yes, both! First hand account . . . . Totally left alone and seemed to be LOVING the gig!
@FlimsyFloozy: "kristen put her hands in the air and started swaying"
@VanessaInPinks: "He has her arm around her." "Kristen is bopping her head to the music."

From @wonkyhobos : Sienna wasn't there, but Tom and Sam were.
@SomeLostBliss They came from the private area that was cordened off. This standing in plain sight stuff is BS.
shiloh2jo@shiloh2jo: Kristen Nd I sang "I was broken together." I love her. Best day ever am standing nxt to Tomstu I fucking love life right now. I'll never forget Tomstu telling me sorry love, his smile and his tiny blue eyes looking at me. "sigh"
@shiloh2jo: cutest thing, rob was at the bar buying 6 bottles of beer, he had money scrunched up in his palm, and he took ages trying to sort it out. Another cute thing is when kristen jumped on robs back and kissed his nose. She was soo loud screaming "Marcus don't fucking goooo" lol
Another adorable thing, mama Patz and daddy patz kissing and dancing to Marcus foster song. OMG I love their love! Like father like son. Her pics below...

@fiercekstew: "They were literally a cm in front of me" "They ran off as soon as it finished"

@britishfan1 Tom, Sienna, Robert and Kristen Stewart at the gig. Oh... RPattz parents are here too. Never seen them before - someone just told me. Listening to Music- MF and taking pictures.All I will say is expect pictures of RPattz and KStew. Ok. I am going to stop tweeting about them. Last thing - pics of them holding hands, staring at each other arms around each other + more. Expect them tomorrow morning on splashnews.

@wonkyhobos: oh and btw didnt see rob's parents there.dont know where that came from. i dont know how they were touching each other so much too lol it was so fucking hot in there i thought i was going to faint. half wish id taken pics but then im glad that i didnt disturb that pic rob's hand is probs in kristen's was there most of the evening :')also when he had his arm round her, she had her arm like on his shoulder holding him to her. yes lots of rob and kristen hugging.i didnt take pics tho. i didnt see him kiss her nose but he definitely had his hand in her pocket.yes sure but i dont have any pics. yes a lot.lots of touching,hand holding,hugging etc. yeah kristen is tiny and gorgeous and rob is so good dont do either of them justice

Longer Fan Accounts via wonkyhobos /TheaProsser and Chrisska

Chrisska The first act was good, blah blah... Then I went for a drink... HIS DAD, PAPA PATTZ, RIGHT THERE! Obviously, my heartrate tripled. Marcus came on stage. Sang a couple of songs. THEN WE SAW HIM. Rob. White tight shirt, cap...*dead* Friend went to the toilet. (this is important, ok) She came back and was like: OMG, C, COME WITH ME. So we went. RIGHT NEXT TO THEM. He was holding her, they were drinking, singing along, whispering to each other. She kept kissing his cheek, he kept leaning down. THEN THEY KISSED, I SWEAR ON MY LIFE, IT WAS SHORT AND SWEET BUT I SAW IT. She was laughing and jumping up and down, his arms CONSTANTLY around Stu, Sam Bradley and other friends of their also right by them Marcus said he was finishing soon and OMG GUYS, SHE SCREAMED "MARCUS, DON'T STOP!" in a very sexual way, it was HILARIOUS! Friend and I swapped places, my coat was in K's way, she just turned to look at me and I had the most apologetic expression ever. Concert over. MY STORY ISN'T, STAY TUNED. They all went (+Brit Pack) inside the private room. Friend and I lurking. I saw Papa Pattz again. And guess what - I went and SPOKE WITH HIM. Told him great things about Rob, how much we love him, etc.Papa Pattz: "Thank you so much. Have lovely holidays, a great Christmas..." Me: "Thank you!" Then we went outside, everyone else (Robsten and co) in a bar, having a private party inside. He was wearing a dark blue hoodie too.Ok, not done yet. About 5 paps lurking outside, some fans too. Friend and I stood right outside the bar, looking through the The ENTIRE time I was staring at Rob, he was having shots (ARGH!), laughing, chatting. Kristen was not next to him, she was close though.Rob's family also there, I think Kristen spent a big part of the night talking to them, whereas Rob was with other friends.This goes on for about 2 hours, Rob and Kristen went away somewhere for about 5 minutes, then came back.Ok, time for them to go. We were freaking out outside. They said their goodbyes and were leaving... Car waiting outside, paps running...Kristen ran out, so did Rob... Then Rob did this ninja jump from the landing and I was like WHOOOA, Batman! He was trying to get in asap :) And OMG they got in the car and he COVERED HER, like actually shielding her with his hoodie, cause the paps were being disgusting...I hope that at least you can see it in the paps pics, it was the SWEETEST thing, you couldn't see K, cause she was under his body/hoody.He was tipsy for sure and he kept laughing while running for the car, she was smiling too. And off they went into the night... The way he was holding her during the concert... Oh my. Also, she sang along to the entire "I was broken" The end. Guys, I'm sorry but I could NOT take pics/videos, I was right next to them and it'd be SO obvious and intrusive. Believe me if you want.

okay so i went to the marcus foster gig tonight in camden. while the warm up acts were playing someone backstage moved the curtain and i thought i saw rob in his baseball cap with kristen but i wasnt totally sure. then my friend thought she saw him too and we started freaking out.then like 10 minutes after marcus had started a girl who was next to us came back from the bar completely freaking out like 'OMGGG I JUST SAW ROBERT PATTINSON!!' then my friend spotted him in the corner of the room by the door to backstage and to the ladies toilets. after like 10 minutes we decided we HAD to go over we walked past him to go to the toilet and saw him and kristen and tom. when we came back from the toilet we decided to just stay in the corner with him. BEST FUCKING DECISION EVER!we were literally 10cm from them both and they were sooo fuckinggg cute!! rob had his fingers tucked into kristen's jeans pocket and then she was holding his hand there with her fingers. and then she also had her other arm wrapped round him. they were both kind of dancing/swaying to the music and kept on whispering things in each others ears. tom was standing next to rob and he had his beard and amish hat and was totally the third wheel lol. marcus was incredible and rob and kristen kept screaming his name and clapping along. kristen also was going crazy dancing at some points getting really into it and rob would just smile at her and tap to thebeat on her hip. then sam arrived and he gave each of them a kiss on the cheek and said kristen looked beautiful and she like scoffed at him. when marcus played 'i was broken' tom leant over and said something to kristen and she started going crazy like putting both middle fingers up at him and laughing.and it was so amazing cos everyone i mean EVERYONE knew ALL the words to the song. and so at one point when marcus stopped singing the lyrics and everyone was screaming the lyrics back at him, rob and kristen started going crazy like freaking out they were so proud of him. then in another song sam, who was with like his girlfriend or something, started doing a sexy kind of dance with her. so then kristen put her hands in the air and started swaying like going down to the ground while rob just grinned so big at her. at one point kristen also called out 'MARCUSSS FOSTERRR' so loud in her american accent and everyone turned round but then marcus was like 'thanks so much to my family and friends' *looks over to rob,kristen, sam and tom* and they were all grinning at each other. then it was so funny sam got a chant going of "MARCUS MARCUS" and everyone in our corner was joining in including rob and kristen. then suddenly everyone stopped and sam was just left going "MARCUS" by himself and everyone was pissing themselves especially rob. they were constantly touching each other either holding each others fingers, mainly with their arms around each other and also when people were trying to get past rob like pulled kristen into him and was gripping her across her middle.its so obvious theyre together and even my friend who isnt a fan was saying how fucking cute they are together. they also didnt seem to care that everyone could see them cos a woman who worked there came up to them and was like 'everyone can see you you know like if you can see them, they can see you and they all know you're here.' and she asked them if the wanted to go backstage where they could have a good view but kristen just shrugged and they stayed where they were cos no one was bothering them. also it was so cute kristen leant into rob and kept on whispering something to him and every time she pulled away he shook his head really big at her and each time bigger and bigger, grinning at her wider and wider.FUCKING HELL THEY WERE SO ADORABLE. kristen also kept shushing sam and tom when they were joking around when everyone else was quiet and it was just marcus singing without the band it was clear she loves his music so much.i didnt want to take any pictures could it would have been so obvious with how close i was standing and i really didnt want to bother them they looked like they were having such a good time. i was going to ask at the end but literally as soon as marcus finished singing tumble down which was the last song, they grabbed their coats and ran off so literally one second they were there and then it was like id imagined the whole thing.serious ninjas people.
btw rob was wearing a white v neck and jeans with a black baseball cap with white writing/symbol on it. and kristen was wearing skinny jeans, leg warmers and a t shirt. she had her hair down to start and fuck is it amazing but then she tied it up halfway in that sexy way that she did at twi con cos it was so fucking hot in there.
i think thats everything but im sure ill remember more tomorrow when ive calmed down a bit lol. seriously the best night ever- marcus was amazing and i stood behind rob and kristen for like over half an hour!! feel free to ask me questions and ill try and answer them best i can :D


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