Sep 4, 2011

New FanPics of Kristen in London


Tweets via
krenidivadi "Just saw Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart outside my door.. Crying so much but I got a hug!! I have pictures! I'm so happy I can't even!!! its blurry but u can see its her. Other 1s are on camera, download soon. Still crying! Hey guys others are on the camera but ill download when I get back 2 mums house & yes in west london. I can't believe I'm still sobbing a little bit. Its been 1h. God though. They were holding hands and I just started 2 cry bro took me 2 them(: hey were the best. i was crying & my brother goes shut up or theyll hate u and she says "We wouldnt hate her! Aww""

Well I have one with Robert with kristen looking behind her shoulder near Rob. But I say its with Robsten(:
(Was Rob outside?) Outside. Then he vanished into the house while I was playing paparazzi & snapping pictures ._. Can ya blame me?! :)
They were holding hands when they walking down the street, before they noticed I was having a fandom breakdown ._.
They looked scared to see me crying, but my brother explained. So all good, they were adorable. people at the party laughed:
didnt post without their knowledge, I said "This is going on Twitter". And I took some with them, Im the pictures i have rights.
Kristen was smily. She said she could never hate me cus my brother said if I didnt shut up they'd hate me and Rob was sweet. They seemed VERY much in love. Holding hands and laughing together.

Her complete fan account All right. I was ready to go to my dads house, so I opened my front door, turned to look into the house waiting for my mother, then I turned around and saw a couple. I looked at them and gasped. It was ROBERT PATTINSON AND KRISTEN STEWART. I screamed and fell on the floor crying. My brother ran downstairs because he thought i was hurt. Then he was like WHAT HAPPENED and I was like ROBERT! KRISTEN! and they turned around, didnt see anything and walked to the party. My brother looked and grimaced.

"Want to meet them?"
"YES OMG YES" still crying :S then he said get the camera and your blackberry and then he took me to meet them. I was still crying my eyes out and long story short, I got to meet them, and I got a hug from Rob and I was told to cheer up and Kristen said she would never hate me because my brother said if I didnt shut up they would hate me. Then my mum got pissed at me because I kept on crying in my house. So I left the camera, took my blackberry and left for my dads, which is where I am now. When I get back to mum, I'll find some way of getting the photos onto Twitter.

But I still have tears in my eyes after like one hour. I cant get over, they were so sweet even though we basically crashed their party! Rob was wearing a shirt, a grey hoodie, trousers and sneakers and Kristen was all in black with hair extensions.
I'll make a YouTube video later.Im so lucky, and so happy. Gah I still cant believe it!
Dont believe me? Nobody likes you and I have proof

Kristen is in the black pants and ponytail.


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