Jan 27, 2011

Breaking Dawn Set Update

NessieMackenzie has new/on-set details about Mackenzie and the Breaking Dawn cast, their source says:

"I just love the way Mackenzie lights up the room. If it’s been a long day and everyone’s tired, she shows up and you can tell the atmosphere changes. The fam scenes with Robert and Kristen will look amazing on screen. They have a special connection, you know. She looks so much like them and they enjoy working with her, so that makes it easy. They love joking around between takes. Specially with Robert, he loves using the ‘daughter’ thingy. I’ve heard he’s been teaching Mackenzie some words, with the accent and everything, so funny. Kristen has found someone to share her ‘Miley Cyrus’ obsession with. And they both love pets, so they have a lot to talk about. Cuteness everywhere. But everybody loves her, she’s pretty smart for her age. It’s good to have a kiddo on set."


Site-ul NessieMackenzie a publicat cateva detalii despre Mackenzie si despre atmosfera de pe platourile de filmare Breaking Dawn. Iata ce declara sursa lor:

"Imi place cum reuseste Mackenzie sa lumineze incaperea prin prezenta ei. Daca a fost o zi lunga si toata lumea e obosita, cand apare ea atmosfera se schimba. Scenele de familie cu Robert si Kristen vor arata minunat pe marele ecran. Au o conexiune speciala. Mackenzie le seamana foarte mult, iar lor le place sa lucreze cu ea, ceea ce simplifica lucrurile. Obisnuiesc sa glumeasca intre duble. Mai ales Robert, caruia ii place sa foloseasca gluma cu "fiica lui". Am auzit ca o invata pe Mackenzie niste cuvinte, cu accent...foarte amuzant. Iar Kristen a gasit pe cineva care sa-i impartaseasca obsesia pentru Miley Cyrus. Si amandoua iubesc animalele de casa, deci au multe de vorbit. Toata lumea o iubeste pe Mackenzie, pentru ca e destul de inteligenta pentru varsta ei. E placut sa avem o pustoaica pe platou. "


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