Nov 7, 2009

New Moon Shockers: R.Pattz Isn't Romantic + More!

Robert Pattinson, Jackson Rathbone, Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz, Nikki Reed, New Moon

Edward Cullen? All kinds of melodramatic romantic. Robert Pattinson? Not so much, at least, according to Robert Pattinson.

"I really haven't done that many romantic things in my life...I mean, I've watched Titanic," he said today at a press conference promoting New Moon, the second part in, like, only the most important movie series like ever. Another shocking reveal: The actor-musician, who even had a song on the Twilight soundtrack, has never serenaded anyone.

"Oh no. You need to have so much balls to do that, Jesus Christ," he said. "I put a flower on someone's locker when I was 15."

What else did Pattz reveal? Oh, so much...

  • His demographic is wide. Like, really, really wide. "There was a woman who came up to me the other day, she must have been in her nineties...and they would say exactly the same things as 12-year-old girls. It's kind of bizarre."
  • His costar Taylor Lautner is ripped, and he knows it. "Taylor had agreed to an interview where the interviewer was going to fight him," Pattz said. "I don't think I would ever agree to do that. Looking at Taylor's martial arts videos from when he was 9, I wouldn't want to. Maybe if I had a weapon."
  • If he isn't romantic, he sure is possessive...about his image. "I guess I get quite obsessive about things, possessive. I have very specific ideas about how I want to do my work and how I want to be perceived, to the point of ridiculousness sometimes. I don't listen to anyone, that's why I don't have a publicist or anything. I couldn't stand it if someone tried to tell me what to do."
  • He estimates he has had less than a week off in the past year. "I have been on sets from three different films since January," he said. "And I've had like three days off."

One final tidbit: Pattz told the press that he felt the biggest connection to his character during the climax of New Moon. We won't say any more. We ain't spoilin'.


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