Jul 25, 2009

Taylor Lautner

,,Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner and Sara Hicks had a relationship for quite some time, and it seems as though they still feel something for each other. A few days ago we saw them coming out of the Mexican restaurant Chipotle, in Los Angeles, after having a long chat.

Although the New Moon actor is focused on his career, it looks like he still has time to spend with the important people in his life.''

Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner şi Sara Hicks a avut o relaţie de ceva timp, şi se pare ca şi cum acestea încă mai simt ceva pentru fiecare. Acum câteva zile au fost vazuti ca ies din restaurantul mexican Chipotle, în Los Angeles, după o lungă conversatie.Deşi in New Moon este un actor concentrat asupra carierei sale, se pare că el încă mai are timp să-şi petreacă cu persoanele importante din viaţa lui.''

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